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A dream play

I represent infinity to myself and I represent ideas by words.
             ...up to infinity...
Everybody has limitless possibilities
...through all eternity...                     Mariko

*¯ with sound  [E] English  [J] Japanese

Wallpapers * Enabling your browsers JavaScript setting

Wallpaper - Poetry was just written in the background (image poem for wallpaper). If you have got your favorite wallpaper, you may right click on the image and select "Save Background As...

Notice (a mode of full screen*Close KEY - Alt + F4)
These (poems of Wallpaper) give notice that mode of full screen.
If you don't like "full screen"  or your computer has bad condition, please don't click the left side (Wallpaper) poem links and the above link.

Applet* ¯ with sound

Blog de poem


Applet* JRE1.4.2(Java-plug-in)
* Your browser need to be capable of running Java.  

Internet Explorer 5.5 (SP2+), 6.x
Netscape 4.7.x, 6.2.2, 7

Please try the following: (capable of running Java)
Instructions for switching between the Sun JVM and Microsoft VM using Internet Options:

  1. Open Control Panel by clicking Start Settings Control Panel
  2. Open the Internet Options window by double clicking Internet Options
  3. Click the Advanced Tab
  4. Find the "Java (Sun)" item and check or uncheck the checkbox which says "Use Java 2 v 1.4.x for applet (requires restart)"
  5. Check  or uncheck the box next to Microsoft VM
    If you want to see Applet pages. Please Check
  6. Save your changes by clicking the OK button
  7. Restart the browser
Instructions for switching between the Sun JVM and Microsoft VM using the Java Control Panel:
  1. Open the Windows Control Panel by clicking Start Settings   Control Panel
  2. Open the Java Control Panel by double clicking the icon labeled
    "Java Plug-in"
  3. In the Java Control Panel, click the Browser Tab
  4. Under the Browser Tab you will see checkboxes next to installed Web browsers.
  5. Check or uncheck the checkbox next to the Web browser you want enable or disable from using the Sun JVM
    If you want to see Applet pages. Please Check enable
  6. Click the Apply button to save your settings
  7. Restart Internet Explorer
(If you couldn't these, you don't have a Java capable browser.)
Please go to Sun Microsystems Java Page or

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